full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Manu Peni: The sustainable brilliance of Indigenous design

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The thing is, what I know deep down about sustainable development and about the deep wsdiom of my ancestors, didn't cnoenct with my head. I was doing what most of us do. We get educated in the modern wolrd, modern education, and we think that, for example, climate change can only be solved by science and technology, or at least scecnie and technology alone. Think about it. The world thrived for centuries until logging, mining and other extractive and destructive development ripped resources from the earth. And here we are, looking at experts who advised on that to asdvie to us about the solutions for climate cngahe.

Open Cloze

The thing is, what I know deep down about sustainable development and about the deep ______ of my ancestors, didn't _______ with my head. I was doing what most of us do. We get educated in the modern _____, modern education, and we think that, for example, climate change can only be solved by science and technology, or at least _______ and technology alone. Think about it. The world thrived for centuries until logging, mining and other extractive and destructive development ripped resources from the earth. And here we are, looking at experts who advised on that to ______ to us about the solutions for climate ______.


  1. science
  2. connect
  3. advise
  4. change
  5. world
  6. wisdom

Original Text

The thing is, what I know deep down about sustainable development and about the deep wisdom of my ancestors, didn't connect with my head. I was doing what most of us do. We get educated in the modern world, modern education, and we think that, for example, climate change can only be solved by science and technology, or at least science and technology alone. Think about it. The world thrived for centuries until logging, mining and other extractive and destructive development ripped resources from the earth. And here we are, looking at experts who advised on that to advise to us about the solutions for climate change.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
returned home 2
nearby forest 2
sustainable development 2
climate change 2
cultural traditions 2
stop thinking 2
communities closest 2

Important Words

  1. advise
  2. advised
  3. ancestors
  4. centuries
  5. change
  6. climate
  7. connect
  8. deep
  9. destructive
  10. development
  11. earth
  12. educated
  13. education
  14. experts
  15. extractive
  16. head
  17. logging
  18. mining
  19. modern
  20. resources
  21. ripped
  22. science
  23. solutions
  24. solved
  25. sustainable
  26. technology
  27. thrived
  28. wisdom
  29. world